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Your World is Broken

Fix it with the
Multicultural Magic of Hekate

What is Magic? Magic is the ability to compel change through the agency of spirit allies.

It’s real, and it works. But those who try to walk this path are often told, “You can’t do it, because...

  • You’re the wrong race
  • You’re too old/young
  • You were born in the wrong country
  • You’ve got no ‘witchblood’
  • You weren’t initiated by an exclusive order

Basically: Magic is a party, and you’re not invited.

But this is NONSENSE. And it’s spread by self-appointed gatekeepers who want to stand between you and the person you were meant to be.

After all, many of us feel called to learn an ancient, proven tradition of magic. And yet, most of us are multi-racial, multi-cultural, and aren’t born into a specific tradition. So – aren’t we disqualified? Isn’t each spiritual path tied to one certain country, nationality, ethnicity?


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Diverse Magic
for a Diverse World

The best-preserved magical tradition in the West is found in the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM), a series of spells dating back to Roman Egypt nearly two millenia ago. This system of magic came out of a multi-cultural world that was much like our own. Its spells are a blend of African and European magical techniques meant to conjure Egyptian, Greek, Persian, Jewish and Christian spirits. A single spell in the PGM might conjure Hekate, Thoth, and Michael the Archangel. It’s that diverse.

This is multicultural magic for multicultural people.

It’s outlaw magic for outlaws.

It’s marginal magic for the marginalized.

Forgotten for millenia, the magic of the PGM is the key to accessing the unseen world of spirit allies. And it is available to all, regardless of your color, race, ethnicity, age, or upbringing.


And anyone can do it.

And the reason why anyone can do it is because all the heavy lifting is done by spirits. You don’t do the magical work – they do. All you need to do is form an alliance with them.

But how do you form an alliance with a spirit?

The answer is simple. You engage with a spirit the same way you engage with anything else: by entering into a reciprocal relationship with it. This is something we do intuitively every day with the people and pets and plants that surround us.

The ancient magical practices of the PGM can seem frightening to some because the powers they invoke are not purely “nice” or always “safe”. They are powerful, unpredictable, non-binary, self-aware, and reciprocal. What they give with their right hand, they can take away with their left.

But by mastering the proven techniques of ancient magic in the PGM, anyone can engage with these powers, and benefit greatly, growing in strength, influence, affluence, and self-knowledge, with the aid of spirit allies such as Hekate, Helios, Hermes, Isis, Typhon-Set, and many, many more.

Join me as we journey to this realm of gods, ghosts and magic – to learn the way to forge spirit-alliances that enchant our world and transform our lives for good!